Im not going to agree nor disagree with your thesis. But I do want to bring a few real
life experiences to the table. Before doing so I would like to say that I am not a radical feminist however I’m also not a Conservative Bible Following Woman either. I’m a realist, a woman that has had a proven track record
Leading both men and woman, I’m a woman who stands up for what’s right, who follow good work ethics. I’ve been through a lot both good and bad, I’ve worked my entire career in a male dominate industry (Energy) with an aging workforce. Never did I cry poor me nor feel disrespected. But I did have to bring my A game and earn my place just like everyone else. Some of the aging male employee’s of mine crossed the line a time or two. But I took care of it without causing a scene or suing someone for it.
Something I do see often and why I personally believe woman have stuggled
to excel to their true version of themselves is because men are in prodominately still in control of decision making and often are choosing the wrong woman for leadership. I’ve seen this mistake time and time again in politics, and business. For example I witnessed a company put a female in as President of an energy company just to have a female presence in place. This woman had talent but not energy talent therefore she constantly struggled with her position and had little respect from her energy clients because she didn’t know the business. She was being walked all over by male executives
In her company and partner companies. It was not handled properly therefore she had extra unnecessary stress in her position and couldn’t excel to her abilities. Woman have often (maybe not intentionally) been misplaced in positions and have been set up for failure. Politics included, we need a stronger 40-50 group in politics that are at a level of leadership to rise but I’m not seeing it. Most that were capable were bullied out or threatened out. This is just my input from personal professional experience as a female.
There will never be a consensus, cookie-cutter response on exactly how men and women should relate to each other, because there are so many individual differences. There are some powerful women and some retiring men, but in general men lead and women follow, because that is the way our bodies are made and our brains are wired. In other words, there is a spectrum of “ideal models” for couple rather than one overly fixed way.
In reviewing what the Bible says about intimate male-female relationships there are two overarching principles: men are to love their wives, and women are to submit to their husbands. But the Bible is vague on what “submission” specifically means in practice and how far it should go. IMO, that is intentional, because it then covers the wide swath of differences between the personalities of the male and female. The man is supposed to love and care for his woman, and the woman is supposed to support her man and encourage his leadership. In general, men are wired to provide, protect, and lead, and are concerned primarily with “things,” whereas women in general are wired to support and nurture, and are concerned primarily with “people.” Our sexual nature dramatically illustrates this difference – the man penetrates the woman and she opens herself to him. Furthermore. these differences are not the accidental product of evolution. Rather, they are teleological – we were made this way by God for a purpose, and that purpose is to serve the other. To your point above that “men are in predominately still in control of decision making” my response is what you decribed is human nature, and will not change short of genetic re-engineering. In our supposedly advanced and scientific society it’s high time that we recognize that basic fact.
A wise leader will see the talents in others and will delegate/defer to them in those areas. In others words, male/female relationships should be a dance where the roles change at times in accordance with the desires of each, rather than a strict unchanging delineation. In my experience there are relatively few females who are capable of handling the top positions in organizations – they typically fit better at middle or lower management levels. Therefore, males in general will continue to take on the top positions; this is what we should expect given the unalterable differences between the sexes, and there is nothing wrong with it. Fulminating over a desire for “total equality” is futile and damaging.
So my dissertation is not an effort to return women to being barefoot and in the kitchen (although happiness indexes indicate that women were happier in those days). Rather, it is a call to re-balance society and male/female relationships which have been distorted and polluted by feminism and the drive for “equity” and “equality.”
I have to ask, did you gain your PhD or was your ‘thesis’ rejected? I ask because the copy you provide has none of the usual preamble as to which university it was submitted to and towards which degree, or declarations of non-plagiarism etc. And also because it seems like ideological, pseudoscientific religious babble of the most reactionary, misogynistic, homophobic and anti-intellectual kind. I sincerely hope no serious institution of higher education would award someone a doctorate based on this 400+ page hate-screed.
You are typical of the leftist bigots and educated idiots that pollute academia and especially psychology. The dissertation is exactly what your ilk needs to hear.
Im not going to agree nor disagree with your thesis. But I do want to bring a few real
life experiences to the table. Before doing so I would like to say that I am not a radical feminist however I’m also not a Conservative Bible Following Woman either. I’m a realist, a woman that has had a proven track record
Leading both men and woman, I’m a woman who stands up for what’s right, who follow good work ethics. I’ve been through a lot both good and bad, I’ve worked my entire career in a male dominate industry (Energy) with an aging workforce. Never did I cry poor me nor feel disrespected. But I did have to bring my A game and earn my place just like everyone else. Some of the aging male employee’s of mine crossed the line a time or two. But I took care of it without causing a scene or suing someone for it.
Something I do see often and why I personally believe woman have stuggled
to excel to their true version of themselves is because men are in prodominately still in control of decision making and often are choosing the wrong woman for leadership. I’ve seen this mistake time and time again in politics, and business. For example I witnessed a company put a female in as President of an energy company just to have a female presence in place. This woman had talent but not energy talent therefore she constantly struggled with her position and had little respect from her energy clients because she didn’t know the business. She was being walked all over by male executives
In her company and partner companies. It was not handled properly therefore she had extra unnecessary stress in her position and couldn’t excel to her abilities. Woman have often (maybe not intentionally) been misplaced in positions and have been set up for failure. Politics included, we need a stronger 40-50 group in politics that are at a level of leadership to rise but I’m not seeing it. Most that were capable were bullied out or threatened out. This is just my input from personal professional experience as a female.
There will never be a consensus, cookie-cutter response on exactly how men and women should relate to each other, because there are so many individual differences. There are some powerful women and some retiring men, but in general men lead and women follow, because that is the way our bodies are made and our brains are wired. In other words, there is a spectrum of “ideal models” for couple rather than one overly fixed way.
In reviewing what the Bible says about intimate male-female relationships there are two overarching principles: men are to love their wives, and women are to submit to their husbands. But the Bible is vague on what “submission” specifically means in practice and how far it should go. IMO, that is intentional, because it then covers the wide swath of differences between the personalities of the male and female. The man is supposed to love and care for his woman, and the woman is supposed to support her man and encourage his leadership. In general, men are wired to provide, protect, and lead, and are concerned primarily with “things,” whereas women in general are wired to support and nurture, and are concerned primarily with “people.” Our sexual nature dramatically illustrates this difference – the man penetrates the woman and she opens herself to him. Furthermore. these differences are not the accidental product of evolution. Rather, they are teleological – we were made this way by God for a purpose, and that purpose is to serve the other. To your point above that “men are in predominately still in control of decision making” my response is what you decribed is human nature, and will not change short of genetic re-engineering. In our supposedly advanced and scientific society it’s high time that we recognize that basic fact.
A wise leader will see the talents in others and will delegate/defer to them in those areas. In others words, male/female relationships should be a dance where the roles change at times in accordance with the desires of each, rather than a strict unchanging delineation. In my experience there are relatively few females who are capable of handling the top positions in organizations – they typically fit better at middle or lower management levels. Therefore, males in general will continue to take on the top positions; this is what we should expect given the unalterable differences between the sexes, and there is nothing wrong with it. Fulminating over a desire for “total equality” is futile and damaging.
So my dissertation is not an effort to return women to being barefoot and in the kitchen (although happiness indexes indicate that women were happier in those days). Rather, it is a call to re-balance society and male/female relationships which have been distorted and polluted by feminism and the drive for “equity” and “equality.”
I have to ask, did you gain your PhD or was your ‘thesis’ rejected? I ask because the copy you provide has none of the usual preamble as to which university it was submitted to and towards which degree, or declarations of non-plagiarism etc. And also because it seems like ideological, pseudoscientific religious babble of the most reactionary, misogynistic, homophobic and anti-intellectual kind. I sincerely hope no serious institution of higher education would award someone a doctorate based on this 400+ page hate-screed.
You are typical of the leftist bigots and educated idiots that pollute academia and especially psychology. The dissertation is exactly what your ilk needs to hear.
Rest assured that the PhD was granted.